Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wednesday, Nov. 30th

 In English we have read chapter 7 of Fatty Legs. We are working on the book work, that should be completed and done to the best of their abilities after six other chapters of practice on summarizing and responding to the text. We will also continue our work on inferencing. 

Srta. M also shared some short video clips about life in the north to give the students a better understanding of the indigenous ways of being and knowing in a real life context. The were able to make connections between the videos that we saw and the main characters life. The videos are from a game that the students were interested n knowing more about. The game is called "Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)", and it is an indigenous-made game which follows a little girl who tries to stop a blizzard that has gone on for too long. This game requires students to problem solve, and it reveals cultural insights about First nations people living up North in the form of short videos. At different checkpoints in the game, students can pause to watch a new video and sometimes these videos provide more context for the video game, sometimes they provide a little information to help them master the skills necessary in the next part of the game. We have been watching these videos in class to better understand life in the arctic for Indigenous communities, as this also connects back to our Novel study "Fatty Legs", about an Inuvialuit girl who goes to residential school.  Please see Google Classroom for the videos we have been watching in class. Finally, the game is beautifully unfolded (like a story) and the graphics are stunning.

There are also some slides available on Google Classroom for recommendations about new books to read in grade 4. The slides have been created into categories based on difficulty and on interests. 

In math we are working on a strategy to support students when adding numbers that end in 8 and 9. We will be moving onto the process of adding three and then four digit numbers today. The Google Classroom shell has been updated with more math strategies for addition and subtraction to help support students with what we are doing in the classroom. 

In social we are talking about the Foothills region. 

In science we continue to talk about Waste In Our World. Today we will be looking at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 

In Spanish we have worked on reviewing and creating visual journals for the bathroom, bedroom and living room. We will start with the kitchen today. Students are encouraged to label furniture and house vocabulary in their rooms and home, to help support their learning of this new vocabulary. 

When we are supposed to be outside for gym this week both groups will play a variety of Indigenous games in the gym together. When it is just our class we will be working on our basketball skills. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thursday, Nov. 24th

In math we have wrapped up our work on graphing and statistics. Students had extra time today to complete their knowledge check in. We will be starting our new unit of addition on Monday and it will carry us into the new year. 

In Spanish we continue to work on reading on Thursdays. Students read a book at their level for 15 minutes, three mornings a week. On Thursday's they work in their reading groups and complete a rotation between a book on RazKids, reading with the teacher, reading alone or reading with a partner. 

In science we finished our knowledge check in on types of waste. We looked at the life cycle of a plastic bottle and will talk about ways that we can reduce our impact.

In social, we have been exploring the Foothills Region of Alberta. 

In English, we wrapped up chapter 6 of Fatty Legs. We continue to practice  making inferences and explaining what it means in our own words. 

Students were very excited to make some purchases at the book fair today. A reminder that it is open tonight from 5-8 and purchases can be made with credit and debit cards, along with cash. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday, Nov. 22

In math we are just about wrapping up our work on graphs and statistic. We will be completing the knowledge check in tomorrow and moving on to addition after that.

In science we continue to talk about waste in our world. We have been looking at packaging, all the different materials that are used and their advantages and disadvantages. 

In Spanish we are working on building our vocabulary about the house. We have completed the bathroom and will be moving on to the bedroom tomorrow. 

In English we are working on inferences and chapter 6 of Fatty Legs. 

We had our last day of dance with Sound Kreation today.

Students had music Monday and Tuesday. 

Students will have their chance to purchase books from the book fair on Thursday morning. Please send them with cash only. The book fair is also open 5-8 that evening during parent teacher interviews.

Gracias :)

Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday, Nov. 18

 Hola Parents and Guardians!

In mathematics we continued exploring graphs this week, focusing on bar graphs. Students are working to correctly interpret picture graphs and bar graphs, and we will be building some graphs as well coming up. 

In English, we spent the week discussing some grammar details that impact our writing, specifically punctuation and spelling. We explored the proper use of apostrophes, commas and periods. We discussed how commas can save lives ( "Let's eat kids!" vs. "Let's eat, kids!"), and explored how apostrophe use can impact spelling, and therefore, the meaning of the word (it's vs. its). We also explored how spelling can affect the meaning of the word (and therefore the sentences!), by looking at the correct use of "to", "too", and "two", as well as "their", "there", and "they're". 

In Literacy Circles, we finished reading and doing the follow up work for Chapter 5 of our current novel, Fatty Legs.

In health we finished the third of the Seven Sacred Teachings, which is courage, by reflecting upon and discussing our fears and our strategies to move through fear to courage. 

In Social Studies we continue to explore the natural regions of Alberta, having just wrapped up the second one, the Rocky Mountains. We have discussed the landforms and features of this area, its climate, vegetation and wildlife, as well as human land-use (natural resources and human use of these resources) and jobs available in this area. 

In Science we continue to look at waste, and have shifted our focus on waste disposal and impacts on the environment. 

In Spanish, we began a new unit about the house. we will be focusing on building vocabulary for the parts of the house and common objects (e.g., bathtub, stove, couch) found in homes, and building conversation, reading, and writing skills around this topic. 

In gym we continue to have fun with our exciting and funny instructor, Alexis, as he teaches us different dance moves! So far we have learned some fun hip hop dance moves, and we have two days of this fun left!

This Friday we had our first walking trip! As a grade, we walked to the small park area by the school and engaged in some land-based learning. We began with a tour of the area to notice natural elements, such as trees, the ground, plants, birds etc. Srta. M showed us her favourite tree in this park. We then did some sit spot art. Our target was to find 3 things we see and draw them, as well as describe them in a couple of sentences; 2 things we can feel (tactile sensation, not emotions) and draw them, as well as describe them in a couple of sentences; and 1 thing we can hear, drawing and describing it as well. We followed this up with an indigenous game called Crows and Cranes. THANK YOU PARENT VOLUNTEERS! We would have not been able to do this without you!

Upon return to the school, we also did some Buddies time with some of our grade 1 classes, where we read to and with grade 1 students in both English and Spanish. 

We finished off the day with some Indigenous Art, by learning some Coast Salish shapes, in a guided video lesson.  The Coast Salish is a group of ethnically and linguistically related Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, living in the Canadian province of British Columbia and the U.S. states of Washington and Oregon. We listened to a story about a colourful wood duck and a crow, and began drawing a wood duck in the Coast Salish style of art! We will continue this work next week. 

See you next week!


Ask your child about Sound Kreations and the new dance moves that they are learning!

 Please ensure that you have read the email about the AHS declared outbreak at Dalhousie.  If you have any questions, please email


Thank you to those families who have paid their fees for swimming, Sound Kreations or field trips.  Fees can be paid through your MyCBE account.  Prompt payment is appreciated as any unpaid fees impacts the programming that the school can offer.

Our virtual book fair starts today and can be accessed through this link.  Students will have an in-person opportunity to purchase books as well either during the day on November 22, 23, 24 or in the evening from 5-8 on November 24.


A reminder that conferences are being held next week on November 24 & 25.  Please see the separate email that was sent for information on how to book.


As a reminder around traffic safety, there is no parking or entering the school parking lot at any time. Please also be respectful and mindful of the parking, no stopping and Hug & Go zones around the school.   The Hug & Go Zone is meant for a vehicle to be there for under a minute.  Your child should be able to exit the vehicle independently and have their backpack with them in order to use this area.  The Hug & Go Zone is not meant as a waiting zone for families to pick up their child after school by remaining in their vehicle.    We continue to receive complaints from our neighbors regarding families who park in front of their garage is blocking access as well as reports of near misses. Safety over convenience it is not just a phrase. It needs to be a mindset and continued action. The Calgary Parking Authority as well as the Calgary Police Service will be coming out for education and enforcement. Dalhousie School has no ability or authority to have any in fractions and accompanying fines waived.  Thank you for collectively being conscious about traffic safety for our students, your children and our families, you. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

IMPORTANT - Parent teacher conferences AND Book Fair!

 Hello parents and guardians, 


Parent Teacher Conferences are open for booking, PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP:

Thursday, Nov 24th in person - 5-8 (Book Fair is also open at this time.)

Friday, Nov 25th online 9-2

Book Fair at Dalhousie:

Today our students previewed the BookFair, and made lists of the items they would like to purchase. These lists have been placed in their backpacks, so they can confer with their parents, total up the cost of their desired items, and budget at home. There are 3 options for purchasing, as listed below. 

Students and parents will be able to purchase items from the Book Fair ONLINE from the 18th-28th via this link:


Students will be able to buy items using CASH from Nov 22nd-24th inclusive. Our class will visit the Fair during our scheduled BookFair time next Thursday November 24 during class time. We would like to ask that if students are purchasing during this time, that they make sure they have exact change, if possible.  


Parents who have booked conferences for next Thursday evening will have a chance to visit the book fair and purchase items using CC/Debit/Cash. 


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Skiing and Snowboarding

Grade 4 & 5 Skiing/Snowboarding Planning


Our Grade 4 & 5 students are scheduled to participate in skiing/snowboarding lessons at Winsport on 

December 20, 21 & 22.  In order to properly plan, we need to get accurate numbers of how many students 

will be attending.  Please respond to this 30 second survey by November 21, 2022.

Wednesday, Nov. 16th

 In math we have started a new unit. We will be working with graphs and statistics. This will be a short unit. Students will need to be able to read information from a table, understand pictograms and their value, calculate totals and respond to questions with words. 

In science we are working on a knowledge check in about human waste and will move on to waste disposal next. 

In gym we have started our sound creation dance unit!

In Spanish we have finished writing about our monsters and will be starting a new unit about the house today. 

In social we are talking about The Rockies. 

In English we are now working with chapter 5 of Fatty Legs. We are also reviewing some grammar points around editing our work, punctuation and their, there and they're.

Parent Teacher Conferences are open for booking:

Thursday, Nov 24th in person - 5-8 (Book Fair is also open at this time.)

Friday, Nov 25th online 9-2

THANK YOU! To all the families that donated for our food drive for the Veterans Food Bank. We are so delighted with the very large load of items gathered by our school community. 

On Tuesday class photos went home and should be extracted from backpacks if you haven't already seen them!

Lastly, we are still looking for some volunteers to join us for our walking trip this Friday, Nov 18th. The time commitment is from 9:15-10:45.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thursday, November 10th, 2022

From The School:

Sound Kreation dance classes will be starting on the 14th and running until the 22nd. (Not on the 18th.) Please make sure to pay the fee for this experience through your CBE account. 

Last call for food bank items - MONDAY, NOV. 14th

The book fair is back! Our students will be checking it out for a preview on the 17th in the morning. The following Thursday, 24th they will have the opportunity to buy books. The book fair will be open on the night of the 24th for purchases. Books can also be bought online.

Parent Teacher Interviews are on the 24th 5-8 in person, 25th 9-2 online. Bookings can now be made for these dates.

From the classroom:

In math we are working on solving equations. We will be wrapping this up next week. Students are encouraged to practice times tables up to 9x9 and addition and subtraction at home. 

In English we were talking about some grammar points today and we were saving lives with commas. We have wrapped up chapter 4 of Fatty Legs this week too.

We had our remembrance day assembly today. Two grade four students presented the acknowledgment of the land in Spanish and English. Grade 3 and 5 also presented. 

In Spanish we continue to work on reading and responding to what we have read. Today we started a whole class reading of a book and worked on responding to the questions accurately. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Tuesday, Nov. 8th

We will be having an assembly on Thursday and students are encouraged to bring a $2 dollar donation for the poppy they will receive.  

In math we are wrapping up our patterns unit this week with work on equations. We introduced the topic today and it went well overall. We are still seeing that there are students lacking mental math strategies to add and subtract on and two digit numbers in their heads.

In science we are talking about household waste. Students completed a knowledge check-in where they had to come up with examples of liquid, solid, organic, hazardous and recyclable waste from the household. 

In English we are using a thesaurus to create a usable list of triple scoop words. We continue to work on Chapter 4 of Fatty Legs.

In gym we will be wrapping up soccer, before our dance unit next week. 

In Spanish we had a reading comprehension and questions to complete and have started writing descriptions in the third person. Soon students will be creating a monster and writing about them!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Grade 4 Walking Trip Info


Grade 4 Walking Trip


The grade 4 classes will be going on a walking trip together to the Dalhousie Park, which is approximately 3 minutes walking-distance away from the school. This is scheduled to take place, weather dependent, on Friday, November 18th, departing at 9:30 until approximately 10:45.

Students will need to bring appropriate winter clothing, as we will be outdoors the entire time. We will be making connections to nature, indigenous ways of knowing and work on some sit-spots art.

We will be looking for about 10 parent volunteers to join us. If you would like to volunteer with our class for this short trip, we would love to have you join us! It would be great if you could be here around 9:15 and would need to stay until we return around 10:45.

In order to volunteer:

  • You must have current CBE Police Volunteer Clearance to volunteer
  • Due to CBE rules, siblings are not allowed to accompany you in any volunteer capacity at the school.
  • Due to FOIP, please refrain from taking pictures and from using your cellphone

Please let us know if you should have any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sra. Sutherland & Srta. Marasescu

Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday, Nov 4th

We are working on pattern word problems in Spanish. Students are working on finding the important words in the question to be able to understand how to complete the question. They are also tasked with explaining how they got to their answer, explaining the why.

We have had our third day of morning reading in Spanish. 15 minutes three times a week. They have to read the same book over six days and need to be reading the whole time. Today, was their first chance to share their book with a partner. Students are expected to be reading out loud the whole time to help grow their language skills. 

We had some time today to work on the chapter three book work for Fatty Legs. 

In art we continued our work on shading and working with the colour wheel.

We finished the day with more conversation around the boreal forest. 

Please see the previous post with general school news.


Daylight savings time ends this weekend! A reminder to turn your clocks back one hour and enjoy extra sleep. 

A reminder that Friday, November 11, 2022 that there is no school due to Remembrance Day.

Dalhousie students will have the opportunity to participate in a 6-day dance residency at school. Sound Kreations will be coming to dance with the students on November 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, and 22. Our students will be participating in a program called CubaNYC where a Spanish speaking instructor will focus on teaching the students hip hop and Latin street dance moves. The cost of this residency will be $7.26 per student and is posted your MyCBE account.  We are excited to get our groove on, ask your child to see the moves they learned at school.


The next set of Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on November 24 and 25.  Please watch for a separate email with information on how to book.


Dalhousie will be hosting a Scholastic book fair in November, with a virtual and in-person option.  The virtual fair will be active from November 18  – November 28, 2022 inclusive. Please check out the virtual link to preview and explore the digital flyer!  Students will also be able to purchase books and other items (posters/stationary etc.) in school. We will be doing a preview for each class and then the following week students will be allowed to purchase items using cash. Previews will be held November 15, 16, 17, and purchasing will occur November 22, 23, 24.   Additionally, the book fair will be open for all families on November 24 from 5pm to 8pm to coincide with conferences.  You do not need to have a conference that evening to visit the book fair.


The next Dalhousie School Council/Parent Society meeting will be held on November 9 at 6pm through Microsoft Teams.  All are welcome to attend.


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Wednesday Nov 2 - Extra Learning Update

 Hola Parents and Guardians,

We are doing an extra update this week, because if the many absences today, due to the weather. 

We began a morning reading routine in Spanish today. This routine will take place 3 days per week in 2 week cycles. Students are working on reading out loud to refine pronunciation and employ decoding strategies, and working to understand a book of their choosing, at their level. This routine is strictly oral, and includes reading to themselves, reading the same book to a friend, reading to a small group, and discussing the book in Spanish. 

In Spanish class we worked to record our interviews, in which students interviewed themselves about eachother, as if they were interviewing a famous person. This brought together all the work we have been doing with descriptions. Ask your child to show you their interview (if finished) on Google Classroom! Students who finished this work moved onto a short reading followed by comprehension questions. 

In Math we continued to build our knowledge of number patterns, by working with T-tables to identify the terms of a pattern sequence and their value, and we practiced explaining this knowledge using mathematical terms in Spanish. 

In Literacy Circles, students finished reading chapter 3 of our novel "Fatty Legs" (available on Epic books to read at home to catch up, see google Classroom for login information) in their groups, and began their analysis work, the first of which is summarizing the chapter. 

In Science we did a little knowledge check-in about Organic waste and producers, consumers and decomposers.

Social Studies we began discussing the natural regions of Alberta, discussing what a natural region is, and then moving on to explore the first of our province's 6 regions: the Boreal Forest. 

Our class pictures were today, as well as the first day of picture retakes. Students who were absent today will be able to have their picture re-taken on November 3rd if needed. Class pictures will not be retaken. 

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Tuesday, Nov. 1st

In math we have worked with patterns and t charts. This is going well and we will continue with patterns for the next few weeks. 

In Spanish we are working in pairs to create a recorded interview. Students had time to work on their responses and practice. They are now at the recording stage and will be working on finishing this tomorrow. We are also starting a 15 minute Spanish reading session, three days a week. 

In science we talked about organic matter today.

In gym we continue to play and practice our soccer skills.

In English we did a whole class summary of chapter one from Fatty Legs. Keep working on the summarizing!!

Please return the white form for the dance sessions, coming up on the 14th ASAP.


Reminder that the clocks fall back an hour this weekend...!

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...