Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tuesday, Feb. 28

 The Tuesday Review...

So far this week we have had some special presentations. Yesterday the students were treated to an opera presentation from Calgary Opera, A Cinderella Story. This morning, students had a presentation from a physical therapist and an occupational therapist, talking about regulation and exercises that we can to do be ready for learning. 

Students are working very hard in music to prepare for the upcoming concert. Please ensure that you have read the music post about the concert, clothing and practice students should be doing.

In math we have been working on the doubling and halving strategy to help students with their multiplication. Ask your student to show you an example!

In Spanish, when we are not doing our guided reading, we are working on using the verb tener que, when talking about who has what to do. We will be starting a final interview project next week. 

In English, Srta. M has started to present sensory writing to students, which will tie in to the work we are doing in art with Jason Carter. 

In gym, it's curling time!

Monday, February 27, 2023

MUSIC/School Info

Notes from the Music Room


I cannot believe that in approximately 3 weeks we will have our concerts! I hope that you have all checked your emails to see when your child is performing.  Many students are asking me about costumes etc. Dalhousie elementary is very fortunate to have beautiful traditional Latin American custom-made costumes. Some of our classes will be wearing these and others will find their costumes from home.  


Kindergarten Costumes:

Girls -  We have skirts and shirts for the little girls, however, we ask that they come to school wearing white or as close to solid white t-shirts or tank top and tights (any colour).

Boys - Come to school wearing dark dress pants and a white or as close to white solid t-shirt or dress shirt.

All students can wear regular school shoes


Grade 1:

Sra Fuentes:  We will provide the children with the costumes.  Come to school wearing:


Girls - white or as close to solid white t-shirts or tank top and tights (any colour).

Boys - dark dress pants and a white or as close to white t-shirt or dress shirt.

Regular school shoes


Srta Houde:

We will provide the children with the costumes.  Come to school wearing:


Girls -  white or as close to solid white t-shirts or tank top and tights (any colour).

Boys - dark dress pants and a white or as close to white t-shirt or dress shirt.

Regular school shoes


Srta. Carcamo:

Please see the separate email that will be sent home.


Srta. Alvarado:

Please see the separate email that will be sent home.


Grade 2:

The children are at a beach going fishing. “Ideally” the costumes would be khaki shorts, capri pants or pants that are rolled up with a white or close to white T-shirt.  Nothing bright or neon if possible.  Please note, ideally does not mean that any money should be spent on this outfit… it’s just a guide.


Grade 3:

We will provide the children with the costumes.  Come to school wearing:


Girls - white or as close to solid white t-shirts or tank top and tights (any colour).

Boys -  dark dress pants and a white or as close to solid white t-shirt.

Regular school shoes


Grade 4:

We will provide the children with the costumes.  Come to school wearing:


Girls -  white or as close to solid white t-shirts or tank top and tights (any colour).

Boys - dark dress pants and a white or as close to solid white t-shirt.

Regular school shoes


Grade 5s:

Please wear your fanciest clothes!  You are the hosts of the evening!

Boys  - dress pants with a solid dress shirt or a solid (not neon) shirt.  Ties and bow ties are welcome.  Please avoid t-shirts with logos or writing on them.


Dalhousie School Updates


Please see the separate email sent regarding our Celebration of Learning & Book Fair on March 9 & 10 and how to book for it. 


We are continuing our Food Drive for Kindness Month.  All donations are gratefully accepted and can be dropped off at the donation boxes at either the front or the back door.


Volunteer opportunities are available for each class.  You must have a valid CBE volunteer clearance at the time you sign up and we ask that you sign up for two opportunities per class to allow for as many people as possible to participate.  If you would like to volunteer more, please check with the teacher.    More details can be found in the separate email that was sent out.


Our Spring Concert will be held on March 22 & 23 at 6:30pm.  You can see which classes perform when in the separate email sent out.  Srta. Primak is also looking for helping with prop creation.  You can sign up here if you can help out.


Dalhousie Parent Society Updates

www.dalhousieparentsociety.com – check out our website for all this info and more! 

dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com – email us if you have questions about anything!

Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well! Search for Dalhousie Parent Society – tell your friends and fellow parents to give us a follow!



The Dalhousie Parent Society presents PAUL DAVIS – Online and Social Networking Safety Officer. Join us March 15th for this information session. RSVP here



BREAKING NEWS OUR CURRENT PLAYGROUND WILL BE REMOVED SUMMER 2024!  - The CBE will be ripping the current playground out. If we do not come together and fundraise to build the new playground, the kids will be left with nothing.  Check out the sign up if you are interested in becoming part of the playground committee! Volunteer here! Did you know? You will be supported by the Parent Society in your volunteer role. We have a Playground Lead who will have your back through the whole process!



Want to know the most DELICIOUS way to support us? Order Purdy’s chocolates from our fundraiser!

From now until March 3, 2023, you can order Purdy’s treats from our fundraiser by joining our campaign and browsing the tastiest selection of Easter chocolates online. Shop gifts for family, friends, neighbours AND yourself in one convenient place. After all orders are submitted, we’ll sort, distribute, and let you know when you can collect your goodies.

What you’ll need to order:

1. Our campaign number: 61732

2. Go to our fundraising website: https://fundraising.purdys.com/1384984-104699 

3. Click “Join Campaign”

4. Shop, shop, shop away!

Thank you EVERYONE for your support. Even if you can’t buy chocolates from us, it would mean the world if you could share this fundraiser link to everyone you know! 

Happy chocolating!



Visit the website here to see what’s being offered! Deadline is March 30th


Beary Berry Honey Order forms were sent home last week. Please fill out forms and return by March 13th!



Volunteers need to have police clearance to volunteer for fun lunch, please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com if you would like us to confirm.  WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!  March 1st & 21st  need a spot filled! View the sign up here. Don’t forget to send students with reusable straws if they have ordered Booster Juice! If they show a fun lunch volunteer they will be entered to win a free Subway fun lunch on March 21.

If your child will be absent and you‘ve already ordered fun lunch please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com before 11:00am and let us know if you’d like to:
-Pick up the order from the office after 12:30pm
-Donate it to the amazing Dalhousie staff
-Have it sent home with a sibling

Upcoming dates:

March 1 – Tim Horton’s 

March 7 – Fat Burger

March 15 – Boston Pizza

March 21 – Subway & Booster Juice

Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday, Feb. 24

We had a great time meeting and working in person with some grade 10 Spanish bilingual students from Crescent Heights today! They worked in groups and read to our students and had some conversation time. 

We ended the day with a reading session with two of the grade one classes. A student favorite!

In art we got a little further with our water pencil, Jason Carter, guided drawing. 

We had gym today and some time to catch up on incomplete work.

Students will be seeing an opera presentation on Monday. 

It's also worth mentioning that there were many centenarians among us today and they looked great!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wed. Feb. 22

You know we had indoor recess today!!

It sure is going to be a few cold days. We will stay busy and warm with the following:

In math, we are looking at fact families and the relationship between division and multiplication. Students are testing their knowledge on their quick recall of single digit multiplication. We keep moving forward on this topic. 

In Spanish, we are working on guided reading and building a dictionary about house chores. We will have an exciting visit from Crescent Heights grade 10 students on Friday, to practice our conversational Spanish. 

In English, we are wrapping up our work with figurative language and continue to work in our guided reading groups. 

In science, we have wrapped up a light experiment and will move on to shadow next. 

In social, we continue to talk about fossils. 

In gym, we are coming to an end of our dodgeball unit. We won't tell yet, what's up next!

Celebration of Learning Info


March 9 & 10 Booking


Dalhousie will host an in-person Celebration of Student Learning for our Grades 1-5 on March 9 from 5pm to 8 pm & March 10 from 9am to 1pm.    This is an opportunity for our students and your child to demonstrate to their families what they are learning, what they have mastered and what they are still working in their classroom environment.  The purpose is that the student is the guide and facilitator, with their family being the authentic audience.  Having this audience provides a sense of purpose and pride for our students to show their growth and learning.  This is a intentional experience which allows students to reflect on their learning journey as well for families to celebrate.   Families will book a hour block of time where students will take them through their learning in English, Spanish, Math and Music as a base. Four families will be able to book per hour block. Families are asked to make arrangements for the care of siblings so that they can focus on their child for that time and so that there are no distractions for other families.  It is important to remember that the student is the facilitator.  While teachers will be in the classroom to help support, it is not an opportunity for a parent teacher interview.    Given that multiple families will be in the space at the same time, teachers will not be in a position to answer individual questions regarding a student and will redirect you to your child. 

For our Kindergarten families only, as there was no January report card, families will instead meet with their child’s teacher to discuss student progress, achievement and learning in a pre-booked 15 minute block.  

Bookings will open on February 27 at 10am and will close on March 8 at 4pm.  After that time, please book through the office.   You can book through your MyCBE account.  If you need help with this, please call 403.777.6030 or email dalhousie@cbe.ab.ca.


Monday, February 20, 2023

100 Day Celebration - February 24


100 Day Celebration - February 24


The 100th Day is upon us! Dalhousie is very excited to dedicate our upcoming Spirit Day to the 100th Day of School in the 2022-2023 School Year! To share in this celebration, students are encouraged to imagine what they might look like as 100 year old’s and come to school dressed as such on Friday, February 24th. Classroom ventures throughout the day may include math-related activities focusing on the number 100, poetry, writing activities, and art representing and recreating the number 100 in variety of ways. Please encourage your child to dress up for the occasion and brain-storm other ways to think of and represent 100. We are very excited to reach this milestone and want to spread the spirit throughout our school.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wednesday, Feb. 15th

A recap of a very short week! Please see the previous post for school and music info.

In English, we have completed our work around figurative language. Students wrapped up by working with alliteration. They will put their skills to the test next week, with a figurative language knowledge check in. We continue to work on our guided reading. 

In math, we have started doing ten minutes of multiplication drills, to support student growth and confidence with their timetables. Students are in the middle of completing a multiplication knowledge check in. We will move to looking at fact families next week. 

In science, we are working to complete a light experiment and will soon be delving into the shadow portion of this unit. 

In social we continue to talk about fossils.

In Spanish, we have added on to our work with the house, to talk about chores. There has never been a better moment to get your kids doing more around the house, so that they can use their chores vocabulary in class! De nada ;)

In art, outside of valentines cards made for sick cards and also free choice, we are working on completing a guided drawing following the style of artist, Jason Carter. 

Our second day at Winsport was a success in the sunshine!

Enjoy the Family Day long weekend. We will be back for more grade 4 fun on Tuesday, Feb. 21.


There will be no school due to Teachers’ Convention on February 16 & 17 as well as February 20 due to Family Day

Pink Shirt Day will be on February 22.  Everyone is encouraged to wear pink as a symbol of kindness.

We have our ongoing Food Drive as part of Kindness month.  Donations are gratefully accepted in the donation boxes found at either the front or the back doors of the school.  

Please see the separate email sent out regarding our Celebration of Learning.  Booking details will follow.  At the same time as our Celebration of Learning, we will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair.  We hope to see you there for both events!

Our Spring Concert will be held on March 22 & 23 at 6:30pm.  You can see which classes perform when in the separate email sent out.  Srta. Primak is also looking for helping with prop creation.  You can sign up here if you can help out.

Notes from the Music Room


The March concert is fast approaching.  An email was sent to families with the dates and information pertaining to the concert, which will be held here at the school.  Two nights of beautiful renditions of Latin American songs and Spanish songs performed by the talents and voices of our Dalhousie students. I for one can’t wait to show you what they have accomplished.  Do send me a note letting me know if your child will not be present at the concert.  For some songs the children are assigned instruments and partners.  For children to find themselves without their partner on the night of the concert is terribly distressing and confusing, which leads to a not so pleasant concert experience. 


Please go over past blogs to find the videos and lyrics to the songs the children are working on.  Children who have taken the opportunity to work on the songs at home have taken great enjoyment and pride in singing them.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Spring Concert - March 22 & 23


Spring Concert - March 22 & 23


Srta. Primak has been working diligently on the spring concert, which take place on March 22 & 23 at 6:30pm.  The same program will be presented on both evenings with a representation from all grades.  As much as possible, the classes were grouped to have siblings perform on the same evening.  Logistically, this was not possible in all cases.   If your child will not be able to participate on their designated evening due to prior commitments, please email your child’s teacher as well as Srta Primak (oprimak@cbe.ab.ca) to let them know.  More specific details will follow.

Group A – Concert on Wednesday March 22


Srta. Di Lorenzo – M/W Group
Sra. Fredette – M/W Group

Grade 1

Sra. Fuentes
Srta. Alvarado

Grade 2

Srta. Mitchell
Sr. Scott

Grade 3

Sra. Outhet
​​​​​​​Srta. Galiana

Grade 4

Srta. Marasescu

Grade 5

See separate email sent


Group B – Concert Thursday March 23


Srta. Di Lorenzo – T/Th Group
Sra. Fredette – T/Th Group

Grade 1

Srta. Carcamo
Srta. Houde

Grade 2

Sra. Canji
Sr. Sala

Grade 3

Sr. Flores
Srta. Tugle

Grade 4

Sra. Sutherland

Grade 5

See separate email sent


We look forward to having our first concert in quite some time!  Thank you to everyone who will contribute to make this happen.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday, Feb. 10th

We made it!

It was a fast and busy week. We have been working hard on our guided reading groups in both Spanish and English. Students were introduced to alliteration today, to complete their introduction to figurative language. In social we have started to tackle fossils. In science we have been talking about white light and how the eye sees colour. In math there is more multiplication practice sheets available on Google Classroom.  

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Feb. 15th - Ski/Snowboard INFO


Grade 4 & 5 Skiing & Snowboarding - Feb 15!


Dear Grade 4 & 5 Dalhousie Families,

Winsport – Round 3! 

Winsport was able to offer Dalhousie Grade 4 and 5 students another (yeah!) rescheduled skiing/snowboarding opportunity as part of the Physical Education and Wellness Programs of Studies on February 15, 2023. All lessons will be held at Winsport. Students will be taken to and from Winsport on a chartered school bus, supervised by teachers and volunteers.  Qualified instructors will be providing the lessons. The schedule is as follows:




Load bus


Arrive at Winsport


Depart Winsport


Arrive back at the school




  1. The Acknowledgement of Risk form –   If you filled it out in December, you do not need to fill it out again.  This email serves as notice of change of date.   If you need a paper form, please let the office know by calling 403.777.6030 or emailing dalhousie@cbe.ab.ca.  Please fill it out and return it by Friday, February 10, 2023.  If you need a paper form, please let the office know by calling 403.777.6030 or emailing dalhousie@cbe.ab.ca.
  2. Winsport Information  this electronic form is information for Winsport and must be filled out.  Again, if you filled it out in December or have provided the information since, you do not need to fill it out again.
  3. Volunteers - Parents wishing to volunteer their support for students must have a current CBE volunteer clearance.  Due to insurance regulations, adults (teachers and volunteers) may not participate in the lessons or be on the hill skiing/snowboarding.  Volunteers will support students in the rental shop and in the lodge.   Volunteers cannot participate in skiiing.   If you are able to volunteer, please sign up through SignUp Genius.   Only that with current (at the time of the sign up) CBE volunteer clearances can be accepted.  Please sign up for your child’s class only, otherwise your name will be removed.
  4. Fee - The approved fee for Skiing/Snowboarding is $35 and covers lessons, lift ticket and equipment rental.  The fee will be posted to your online My CBE Account and should be paid through your account; we do not accept cheques for fees and discourage cash payments as fees paid on-line are secure and provide you with an official receipt for your records.   As this is a last minute opportunity, please check back if it is not yet posted to your account.

Please complete the above and return the paper form to school by Friday, February 10, 2023 if you have not done it previously.

Additionally, please note the following:

  • Through the multiple fundraising efforts (Fun Lunch, Davison Orchard Apples, Purdy’s Chocolates, Growing Smiles Plants, 50/50 Draws, etc.), the Dalhousie Parent Society has decided to make a generous donation to help subsidize the bussing costs for this field trip, which has significantly reduced the price for parents to pay. Please continue to support all fundraising efforts that come up throughout the year as the money raised goes back to supporting additional activities for all studentsat Dalhousie School.
  • Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and to be outdoors.  This includes a winter jacket, snow pants, a hat, gloves/mitts, neck warmer/scarf and good socks.  While not mandatory, goggles may be worn and you may want to send your child with extra socks in case they are cold or the socks get wet.   Please note that we are in for another cold spell.  CBE guidelines are that outdoor activities are cancelled when it is colder than -25 with the wind chill.
  • It is important to be at school on time as the busses cannot wait for students.
  • Please provide your child with a bottle of water and a packed lunch.  Students & volunteers should not be buying anything from the onsite cafeteria.  If you ordered fun lunch for that day, it will be delivered to Winsport.
  • If your child would like to use their own equipment, it can be stored in the classroom.  It should be brought to school either Feb 14 at 4:00pm or Feb 15 between 8:30am and 9:00am and be picked up Feb 15 between 4:00-4:15pm.   If you plan on doing this, please contact your child's teacher to let them know.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.  We are hopeful that the weather will cooperate to allow students to participate in this activity.

The Grade 4 & 5 Dalhousie Team

Kindness Month

Kindness Month


During the month of February, Dalhousie will celebrate Kindness Month.  Kindness is a value that should be emulated on a daily basis and a goal of having this focus during February is that it instills the value on a daily basis throughout the year.  It is also grounded and can be seen as a through line in the Indigenous Seven Sacred Teachings of Love, Respect, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom, Humility and Truth.    Kindness can be found in both giving and receiving and permeates through a community in a positive way.    Specifically, Dalhousie will be engaging in various activities to highlight kindness:

  • Random Acts of Kindness:  Students and staff will be asked to do random acts of kindness.  This can be holding the door open for someone, recognizing someone for a specific act or saying thank you. 
  • Food Drive: As an act of kindness and caring, we will be hosting a food drive for the Calgary Food Bank.  We want to recognize that we care for other people in a way that they need it.  Especially during these financial times, we want to care for those who need support in this area.  Donations are appreciated and can be dropped at off in the Calgary Food Bank boxes at either the front or the back door of the school.
  • Valentine’s Day: This day has a tradition around showing love and care.  Dalhousie students will show this by making cards for others outside of learning community and giving them to seniors, front line workers, hospital patients and others.  Students will also be making cards for each other.   We ask that no cards, food, toys or other items be sent from home for this occasion.  Anything sent from home will be sent back.  We ask that instead you direct resources that you may have used for this to our Food Drive.
  • Pink Shirt Day will be celebrated on February 22.  Students are encouraged to wear pink to school as a symbol of kindness towards each other. 

​​​​​​​Showing kindness in various ways develops character traits such as empathy, sympathy, compassion and respect.  You are encouraged to have ongoing conversations with your child around this to further strengthen their understanding.


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tuesday, Feb. 7th

We ended the day with the exciting announcement that we will be skiing/snowboarding again on Wednesday, Feb 15th. The format will be very similar to last time. We will be looking for volunteers. More info will be sent out to you this afternoon. 

In math we have gone back to basics with our timetables practice. Students are working on building their speed and accuracy on their timetables, starting from 2x1 and up. We have reviewed the ways in which they can multiply with zero, one, ten and eleven. 

In science, we are talking about the relationship between light and colour. 

In English, we are working on figures of speech and our guided reading groups. 

In gym, we continue to work on our dodge ball skills before starting to play games. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thursday, Feb. 2nd.

It was a fast and short week!

Students were great Dalhousie ambassadors at the ski hill yesterday. They weather was cold, but warm enough that we were happily able to make it work. The excitement level was very high and they were still talking a lot about it today. Thanks for the support, help packing and an extra thanks for our volunteers!

In math, we continue to work on multiplication strategies. Students can be practicing with Prodigy, Brainzy and memorization. 

In Spanish, we are working on getting the hang of our guided reading rotations. 

In social studies, we are shifting into our unit on fossils with a Minecraft project about extinct animals. 

In English, students were introduced to hyperboles, something most of them excel at, and we are keeping up with our guided reading groups.


Notes from the Music Room


Dear families,


We continue working towards a successful Spring Concert for you.  I ask that those of you that look at the blogs, please help your child listen to the song El Barquito de Cascara de Nuez.  I included that in the blog two weeks ago or so. I am also very excited to announce that we will have Señor Waters as our accompanist for the Spring concert!  I have to say that the children are terribly excited about performing for you.  I hope you can all make it to the concert. 

Registration for the 2023-24 school year is ongoing.  If you are looking to register a younger sibling, please submit an application through the CBE website by February 14 at noon to be included in the lottery.

The next Dalhousie School Council/Parent Society meeting will be held through Teams on February 8 at 6pm.  All are welcome to attend.

Friday, February 10 is Dress in a Pattern Day. Everyone is encouraged to wear their best pattern to school!

There will be no school due to Teachers’ Convention on February 16 & 17 as well as February 20 due to Family Day.

www.dalhousieparentsociety.com – check out our website for all this info and more! 

dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com – email us if you have questions about anything!

Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well! Search for Dalhousie Parent Society – tell your friends and fellow parents to give us a follow!

Dalhousie Parent Society News


BREAKING NEWS OUR CURRENT PLAYGROUND WILL BE REMOVED SUMMER 2024!  - The CBE will be ripping the current playground out. If we do not come together and fundraise to build the new playground, the kids will be left with nothing.  Check out the sign up if you are interested in becoming part of the playground committee! Did you know? You will be supported by the Parent Society in your volunteer role. We have a Playground Lead who will have your back through the whole process!

Want to know the most DELICIOUS way to support us? Order Purdy’s chocolates from our fundraiser! From now until March 3,  2023, you can order Purdy’s treats from our fundraiser by joining our campaign and browsing the tastiest selection of Easter chocolates online. Shop gifts for family, friends, neighbours AND yourself in one convenient place. After all orders are submitted, we’ll sort, distribute, and let you know when you can collect your goodies.

What you’ll need to order:
1. Our campaign number: 61732
2. Go to our fundraising website
3. Click “Join Campaign”
4. Shop, shop, shop away!

Thank you EVERYONE for your support. Even if you can’t buy chocolates from us, it would mean the world if you could share this fundraiser link to everyone you know! Happy chocolating!

Visit the website here to see what’s being offered!

Volunteers need to have police clearance to volunteer for fun lunch, please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com if you would like us to confirm.  WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!  Feb 7, 15 and 21st need some spots filled! View the sign up here.

Don’t forget to send students with reusable straws if they have ordered Booster Juice! If they show a fun lunch volunteer they will be entered to win a free Subway fun lunch on March 21.

If your child will be absent and you‘ve already ordered fun lunch please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com before 11:00am and let us know if you’d like to:
-Pick up the order from the office after 12:30pm
-Donate it to the amazing Dalhousie staff
-Have it sent home with a sibling

Upcoming dates:
February 8 - Boston Pizza
Feb 15 – Fat Burger & Booster Juice
Feb 21 – The Saucy Bread Company
Feb 28 – Tim Horton’s 

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...