Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Tuesday, Sept. 20th

We continue to foster class our classroom expectations and ability to follow three step instructions. We have been working on the components of a good summary in English. In Spanish, we have been reviewing the verb ser and will work on telling the time starting tomorrow. Students have music on Monday and Tuesday where they have been practicing the recorder. A few students still have to bring them in so please feel free to double check that it is not at home. 

In math, we have started working on comparing numbers up to four digits. EXTRA MATH PRACTICE is available in Google Classroom, under Math Practice. Reviewing place value, ordering numbers and comparing would be beneficial. You student should be logging in to their school Gmail to accept the invitation for them to join our Google Classroom shell. Lastly, if your student has not reviewed the Digital Citizenship form with you please have them do so ASAP, sign and return.


Important info:

No school Friday, Sept. 23 for interviews.

Thursday interviews in person.

Friday interviews online.

AS OF TONIGHT the old booking system is working. Sorry for all of the inconvenience caused this week. 

TERRY FOX RUN - Monday, Sept. 26th

CLASS PHOTOS - Wednesday, Sept. 28th.

ORANGE SHIRT DAY - Thursday, Sept. 29th

NO SCHOOL - Friday Sept. 30th

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...