We are rolling along into our second week of December...
In math we are working on our four digit addition practice and will be moving on to the same thing but with word problems.
In English we have finished reading Fatty Legs. Students were presented with their final project today. Tomorrow they will get into their groups and get planning. Students need to write a summary of a portion of a chapter and then create a diorama of a scene from the chapter. They will be making it out of recycled materials that they can bring in. They will need a shoe box and then other materials to create the scene. We are also continuing to work on inferences and practice our skills.
We had a full grade 4 gym class and continued to play a variety of Indigenous games. When we are just one class we will continue with basketball.
In Spanish we have completed the house vocabulary in our visual dictionaries and have practiced speaking about the rooms. We will start working and practicing verbs tomorrow.
December 9 will be Anything but a Backpack Day. This is a chance for the students to use their creativity by using a household item in lieu of a backpack. We want to emphasize that student should not need to buy anything for this spirit day and what is brought to school is safe for the student and those around them.
This year Dalhousie School has decided to give back to the community by participating in the Salvation Army Toy Angel Drive. This toy drive is designed to bring cheer to low-income families with children aged 0-12. A box has been set up in the main office to collect donations. If you would like to contribute please bring your unwrapped toys into the office before noon on 15 December 2022.
We are in the last month before Winter Break. A reminder that if your child will be absent for 5 days or more due to a holiday, an extended absence form must be filled out. Please email dalhousie@cbe.ab.ca to request the form and have it submitted before your child’s absence.