Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday, Jan 31st

Hola! The students are very excited to be able to participate in skiing tomorrow and the weather is looking like it will cooperate. 


They need to arrive in their gear, layers, proper socks, ski pants, winter jacket, gloves, hat, neck warmer, spare gloves, spare neck warmer,  and extra layers. 

In their backpack they need to bring water, lunch and snacks - more than normal, and spare clothing. They cannot buy food at the hill, so please no money.

As for school updates, we have been working on a multiplication strategy of grouping tens. Students are strongly encouraged to practice their multiplication timetables regularly.... In Spanish and English we have been working in our guided reading groups and getting a hang of the rotations and station tasks. In gym, we have started our unit on dodgeball. Currently students are working on their target practice. In science, we continue working on our light and shadow unit. Monday and Tuesday, students have music and they are sounding great. Please make sure you see the previous music post about what they need to be practicing at home. 

There is no school this Friday, Feb. 3rd because it is a PD Day. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday, Jan 27th

Snowy greetings to you all.

We have had another busy week. In math, we have started our work with multiplication. Students are strongly encouraged to continue to practice their times tables regularly. Their are specific math games available on Brainzy. All access info is available in Google classroom. It is an essential skill for them to memorize them this year and moving forward.

In music they are sounding good! Keep your schedule open to come see them at the spring concert. Info posted in previous post. 

In science, we continue our work around light. We talked about the properties of light and how light interacts with materials. 

In English, when we are not working on our guided reading groups, students have been challenging themselves with writing their own metaphors and smilies. today Srta. M tasked them with writing 6 smilies about themselves... and then they had to draw themselves in their simile form!

Today in gym, we said goodbye to the omnikin ball. Students had a good laugh yesterday in a room 7/8 competition to move the ball down a human train track, only using their feet! 

In Spanish we are shifting from talking about the house to talking about our chores!

IMPORTANT Skiing reminders for Feb 1

 Hola Parents,

Please note:

  • Please provide your child with a bottle of water and a packed lunch.  Students & volunteers should not be buying anything from the onsite cafeteria.  If you ordered fun lunch for that day, please cancel it by January 27 as there is no capacity to have it delivered to Winsport.
  • Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and to be outdoors.  This includes a winter jacket, snow pants, a hat, gloves/mitts, neck warmer/scarf and good socks.  While not mandatory, goggles may be worn and you may want to send your child with extra socks in case they are cold or the socks get wet.   Please note that we are in for another cold spell.  CBE guidelines are that outdoor activities are cancelled when it is colder than -25 with the wind chill.
  • It is important to be at school on time as the busses cannot wait for students
  • If your child would like to use their own equipment, it can be stored in the classroom.  It should be brought to school either January 31 at 4:00pm or Feb 1 between 8:30am and 9:00am and be picked up Feb 1 between 4:00-4:30pm.   If you plan on doing this, please contact your child's teacher to let them know.

Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Notes from the Music Room


I am happy to say that we are moving along with the preparation of the music for the Spring Concert in March.  Please keep an eye out for an email in the next week asking for help from our wonderful volunteer community.  I will be needing help with props and other performance essentials.  



Our Grade 4 students are creating a very exciting instrumental accompaniment part for their song Al Tambor with the djembe drum, the xylophone and the ukulele.



Dalhousie School News


Dalhousie students participated in a reading party today.  Ask your child what we did in our class!


Families will be able to view online student report cards for grade 1-12 students on Jan. 30. Report cards for the 2022-23 school year can be viewed, downloaded and printed.  Please see here for more information on how to access your child’s report card.    A reminder that there is no report card in January for Kindergarten.  Please see the separate email that was sent with this information.


A reminder that February 3 is a non-instruction day with no classes for all students.

The next Dalhousie School Council/Parent Society meeting will be held through Teams on February 8 at 6pm.  All are welcome to attend.

Dalhousie Parent Society Updates 

www.dalhousieparentsociety.com – check out our website for all this info and more! 
dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com – email us if you have questions about anything!
Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well! Search for Dalhousie Parent Society

PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE – we are trying SO hard to get the funding to build a new playground but we need more help!  Check out the sign up if you are interested in becoming part of the playground committee!  Did you know? You will be supported by the Parent Society in your volunteer role. We have a Playground Lead who will have your back through the whole process!

 ***FUN LUNCH***
Volunteers need to have police clearance to volunteer for fun lunch, please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com if you would like us to confirm.  WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!  Feb 7, 15 and 21st need some spots filled! View the sign up here. 

Don’t forget to send students with reusable straws if they have ordered Booster Juice! If they show a fun lunch volunteer they will be entered to win a free Subway fun lunch on March 21.

If your child will be absent and you‘ve already ordered fun lunch please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com before 11:00am and let us know if you’d like to:
-Pick up the order from the office after 12:30pm
-Donate it to the amazing Dalhousie staff
-Have it sent home with a sibling

Upcoming dates:
February 1 - Opa
February 8 - Boston Pizza
Feb 15 – Fat Burger & Booster Juice
Feb 21 – The Saucy Bread Company

Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday, Jan 20th

And just like that another week is behind us...!

We had another chance to practice our guided reading stations today. 

Students are enjoying their time with the Omnikin ball in gym, which they have for another week next week.

In art, we are very close to having everyone finished their dioramas. Those who are done had a chance to work on some guided drawing or finishing up incomplete art work today. 

We wrapped up the day with W.O.W. (work on work), students had a chance to complete any unfinished math, a Spanish paragraph about la casa (the house) or their health sheet about honesty. 

Feliz finde :) 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Whole School/Music Updates

If you have not already, please fill out the Kindergarten to Grade 4 Intent to Return Form or the Grade 6 Plans Form by January 27.


Registration for the 2023-24 school year is ongoing.  Please visit the CBE website to register a younger sibling.  Submission must be received by February 14 at noon. 


Report cards will be viewable through your MyCBE account on January 31.  Please contact the office if you need help with this. If you have any questions about the contents of the report card, please contact your child’s teacher.


February 3 is a non-instruction day with no classes for all students.


The next Dalhousie School Council Parent Society meeting will be held through Teams on February 8 at 6pm.  All are welcome to attend.


A reminder that we are a nut and allergy aware school, so no nuts or products containing nuts should be brought to school.  Additionally, due to dietary/medical restrictions and preferences, students are not permitted to share or trade food at any time.  In the same vein, we ask that no food or toys be sent to school for birthdays or other celebrations.  There may be occasion for a class celebration in relation to learning, during which the teacher may ask for healthy and food specific donations.  





We will have our Spring concert in the evening the week of March 20.  Exact date and time are still to be confirmed.    You will be informed in a few weeks when your child will be performing.  

Please refer to last week’s update for the lyrics of the songs that your children are working on.  

In addition to the songs mentioned last week, I would like to share with you a song that we are all learnin: Un Barquito de Cascara de Nuez (the little nutshell boat).  The link to the Youtube video is below.  For anyone familiar with children’s music from Spain back in the 70s, this is the voice of Miliki (and the cartoon character that’s singing is him as well).  I am teaching the words to the G1-5 students and the kindergarten students will become “familiar” with the song rather than be expected to fully learn the lyrics.




Un barquito de cáscara de nuez,

adornado con velas de papel,

se hizo hoy a la mar para lejos llevar

gotitas doradas de miel.


Un mosquito sin miedo va en él

muy seguro de ser buen timonel.

Y subiendo y bajando las olas

el barquito ya se fue.



Navegar sin temor

en el mar es lo mejor,

no hay razón de ponerse a temblar.

Y si viene negra tempestad

reír y remar y cantar.


Navegar sin temor

en el mar es lo mejor.

Y si el cielo está muy azul,

el barquito va contento 

por los mares lejanos del Sur.


And since you have read this whole message, I would like to share with you a special treat.  I use the website www.musicplayonline.com for a number of activities with the children.  The CBE has purchased the rights to use this site for us this year.  Unfortunately, it’s not free, so this is a treat for me.  This website has a student access code.  Many of the children are familiar with this site since I used it quite a bit during our COVID days and am still using it from time to time.  Below are the instructions to access the use of the site, which is only to be used by our Dalhousie Students: 


Navigate to:



Login as:

Click on "Student"

Enter the code:

In the text field, enter the code: d667951

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Wednesday, Jan 18th

We continue to work on our light and shadow unit in science. We talked about emitting and reflecting light before students were tasked with responding to some questions for our first knowledge check in. 

In math, we are working on multistep word problems using mostly subtraction, but read carefully because you might need to add!

In English we are getting the hang of our guided reading routine that we do on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We have the extra special treat of a couple of Omnikin balls to use in gym for the next two weeks.

Lastly, and I bet you heard about it by now... We played a kahoot quiz game in Spanish, that was a huge hit and seemingly everyone loved! 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday, Jan 13th

In math, we continue to work on subtraction of 4-digit numbers. We are working on getting the hang of the subtracting rules of borrowing and working with zeros on the top. 

Students are getting close to completing their dioramas and they are looking good!

In social studies, student are going to be starting a post card project that was introduced to them today. They will write a postcard as if they had been on vacation in the region that they (more or less) chose. 

In gym we have wrapped up basketball and will be having a treat next week with something new!

Students looked great in their crazy socks!!

Happy weekend to you all :)

Important School Info!

 Notes from the Music Room


As you can see we have chosen a different way to communicate with you so that more of you have access to this information.


First order of business is to inform you that we will have Calgary Opera come to our school and do their School Tour performance of Cinderella.  This opera has been modified using aspects of the opera Cendrillon by Massenet and Rossini’s Cenerentola.  Basically, what that means is that it will be a very lovely performance based on the beloved fairy tale with beautiful music.

The company will come to our school on February 27th at 2:00 pm.  This is a student only show. 


The Grade 4s are working diligently on their ukulele technique and learning the necessary chords to play the song Al Tambor which is a folk song from Panama.

Al tambor, al tambor

Al tambor de la alegria.

Yo quiero que tu me lleves a

l tambor de la alegria.

Maria o Maria, Maria amiga mia.

Yo quiero que tu me lleves 

Al tambo de la alegria.

Dalhousie School Updates

This is the time of year when we begin planning next school year’s organization, especially in terms of our enrolment and student population projections. Please indicate whether or not you anticipate that your child/ren will attend Dalhousie School again next year. We realize that plans may change over time and would ask you to kindly let the office know in these cases, so that we may staff with accurate numbers. If you have more than one child at Dalhousie, please fill out one form for each child currently Kindergarten to Grade 4. Families do not need to do anything to continue their child’s registration at Dalhousie as it will automatically roll over for the next year for existing Dalhousie Kindergarten to Grade 4 students, assuming that they are not out of area, unless we hear from the family that their child will be attending elsewhere.  

Similarly, if you have a child in Grade 5, please indicate whether your child will be continuing on to Senator Patrick Burns or attending another school next year. Again, we realize that plans may change over time and would ask you to kindly let the office know in these cases, so that we have accurate numbers. Please complete this form by January 27, 2023. Grade 5 Dalhousie students will be designated to Senator Patrick Burns, unless we hear otherwise from families.  If your child is continuing on to SPB, you do not need to do anything.  

In all cases, if you have any questions about registration at any level, please call the office, who will be happy to help you.

A reminder that we are a nut and allergy aware school, so no nuts or products containing nuts should be brought to school.  Additionally, due to dietary/medical restrictions and preferences, students are not permitted to share or trade food at any time.  In the same vein, we ask that no food or toys be sent to school for birthdays or other celebrations.  There may be occasion for a class celebration in relation to learning, during which the teacher may ask for healthy and food specific donations.  

Dalhousie Parent Society Updates

www.dalhousieparentsociety.com – check out our website for all this info and more! 
dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com – email us if you have questions about anything! 


PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE – we are trying SO hard to get the funding to build a new playground but we need more help! Check out the sign up if you are interested in becoming part of the playground committee!


Volunteers need to have police clearance to volunteer for fun lunch, please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com if you would like us to confirm. Don’t forget to send students with reusable straws if they have ordered Booster Juice! If they show a fun lunch volunteer they will be entered to win a free Subway fun lunch on March 21.  If your child will be absent and you‘ve already ordered fun lunch please email dalhousieschoolparentsociety@gmail.com before 11:00am and let us know if you’d like to:
-Pick up the order from the office after 12:30pm
-Donate it to the amazing Dalhousie staff
-Have it sent home with a sibling

Upcoming dates:
January 18 - Subway/Booster Juice
January 24 - Papa Murphy’s 
February 1 - Opa
February 8 - Boston Pizza


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tuesday Jan 10th, 2023

 Welcome back!!

We have had a good return to school, post the break. It has been great to see the kids!

We have hit the ground running with a new science unit, Light and Shadow. We have been talking about light and energy and natural and artificial sources of light. 

In math, we have started working on 4-digit subtraction. There are practice sheets available in google classroom. Students need to be careful when subtracting with zeros and borrowing, but we will be doing lots of practice in class. 

In English, students have been introduced to figurative language and are coming up with some creative and entertaining smilies and metaphors.  Students will be using art time to finish off their Fatty Leg's dioramas shortly. 

In gym we have been playing some basketball games.

In Spanish, we have been doing a variety of different activities to review the house. Students will soon be writing a paragraph about their house. 

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...