Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday, Jan 31st

Hola! The students are very excited to be able to participate in skiing tomorrow and the weather is looking like it will cooperate. 


They need to arrive in their gear, layers, proper socks, ski pants, winter jacket, gloves, hat, neck warmer, spare gloves, spare neck warmer,  and extra layers. 

In their backpack they need to bring water, lunch and snacks - more than normal, and spare clothing. They cannot buy food at the hill, so please no money.

As for school updates, we have been working on a multiplication strategy of grouping tens. Students are strongly encouraged to practice their multiplication timetables regularly.... In Spanish and English we have been working in our guided reading groups and getting a hang of the rotations and station tasks. In gym, we have started our unit on dodgeball. Currently students are working on their target practice. In science, we continue working on our light and shadow unit. Monday and Tuesday, students have music and they are sounding great. Please make sure you see the previous music post about what they need to be practicing at home. 

There is no school this Friday, Feb. 3rd because it is a PD Day. 

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...