Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday, March 24

A huge thanks to parents and families to get their kiddos here for the concerts this week. We hope that you enjoyed the spectacular show! And a great job done to the students who sung, danced and played their little hearts out!

In English, we will continue with our sensory writing and guided reading after the break. 

In math we will start division. We have completed multiplication. Students should continue to work on their multiplication fact as this will support them with math moving forward and our work with division. 

In science we are learning about force, energy and friction. These are the intro concepts to our simple machines unit. 

In social we are wrapping up our work with fossils. 

In art we worked on a Coast Salish guided drawing of a sea otter. 

In Spanish we have started our unit on food and have been playing vocabulary games to refresh ourselves on the vocabulary. 

In gym we will have one more week of curling after the break as the concert rehearsals has us outside a few extra times this week.

We hope that everyone has a great break!! We will see you on the return to school, Monday, April 3rd!

Friday, March 24

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Concert Reminder!

The students in Srta. Marasescu's class will be performing Wednesday, March 22. The school doors will be open at 6:00. Students should go to their classroom to get prepared before the show. The clothing expectation is a white shirt and black pants/leggings for girls. Srta. Sutherland's student perform on the night of the 23rd.

See you there!!

In class today students will have a presentation from a Palaeontologist after lunch, which they are very excited about. 

In math we will be wrapping up multiplication this week.

In English we continue to work on sensory writing. We still have spots available to volunteer to read with kids. Please see signup genius for more info. 


Understanding Anxiety Session Info

Dear families,

Here is some information about attending a session around understanding anxiety, held by AHS. These sessions have demonstrated a direct increase in call volume to AHS medical supports for our students and are proving an effective way to advance the well-being of our students. 


Our next session in the five-part series aimed at supporting families and caregivers in growing their understanding of child and youth well-being will be on Tuesday April 4, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. The session focuses on Understanding Anxiety.


This event is offered virtually at no-cost to participants. Everyone is welcome to participate, whether or not their child attends a CBE school.  Families and caregivers are key partners in a student’s education. We also understand the shared role in supporting student well-being and how critically linked well-being is to student achievement.

Understanding Anxiety Session Info


Friday, March 17, 2023

Friday, March 17

 Reminder: Friday, March 24 is the last day of classes before Spring Break.  Classes will resume on Monday, April 3.  After Spring Break, there is no school on Friday, April 7 and Monday, April 10.

We are rolling along with everything and sneaking in some concert rehearsals as we go! 

In English students continue to develop their sensory writing and working in our guided reading centres. 

In social we are all enjoying the deep dive into the world of fossils and are looking forward to have our guest speaker on Wednesday the 22nd, which will conclude our unit.

In science we have wrapped up light and shadow and are now on to simple machines. 

In math we are finishing up our practice on multiplication before we complete last knowledge check in. 

Spring Concert Info

Spring Concert Information


Dear Dalhousie Families,

With our highly anticipated Spring Concert coming up next week, here are some important notes:

March 22 & 23 Evening Performances

For the evening performances on March 22 & 23, doors will open at 6:00 pm.  Seating is first come, first served.  Please be respectful of our neighbours when parking.  There is no parking available in the parking lot.

Due to space restrictions and fire code regulations, each family has two seats.  Seats are one person per seat due to the maximum capacity allowed (no lap children).

For evening performances only, please have your child at the school by 6:00 pm for the evening that they are performing.   They should be dropped off in classrooms as follows:

Kindergarten – Sra. Fredette

Sra. Fredette’s M/W class go to Room 4 on their evening 

Sra. Fredette’s T/Th class go to Room 6 on their evening

Kindergarten – Srta. Di Lorenzo

Sra. Di Lorenzo’s M/W class go to Room 3 on their evening 

Sra. Di Lorenzo’s T/Th class go to Room 5 on their evening

Grade 1

Sra. Fuentes and Srta. Alvarado go to Room 7 (in the Learning Commons) on their evening.

Srta. Houde and Srta. Carcamo go to Room 8 (in the Learning Commons) on their evening.

Grade 2

Grade 2 students go to Room 2 (in the Learning Commons) on their respective evening

Grade 3

Grade 3 students go to their regular classroom on their respective evening

Grade 4

Grade 4 students go to their regular classroom on their respective evening

Grade 5

All Grade 5 students go to Room 1 on any evening that they are performing

March 20 & 21 Dress Rehearsal

We encourage families who would like to bring additional family members and small children to attend the dress rehearsal performance at 2:00 p.m on March 20 or 21, where there are no limits and everyone is welcome.  Doors open at 1:45pm and seating is first come, first served.  Again, please be respectful of our neighbours when parking.

The March 20 dress rehearsal will be for those performing in the evening performance on March 22.   The March 21 dress rehearsal will be for those performing in the evening performance on March 23.  If you plan on attending the dress rehearsal, please ensure that you are attending on the correct date to see your child.

Students will be called to the dress rehearsal and classes will resume once the dress rehearsal is complete, so there is no need to sign out your child.

Thank you to everyone who has supported their child and the school in preparation for the concert.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Paul Davis Presentation

 The Dalhousie Parent Society presents:   PAUL DAVIS – Online and Social Networking Safety Officer. Join us March 15th at 7:30 pm for this information session.  Click here to register.  A zoom link will be sent out shortly to registered parents.


We are so thrilled to have been able to book a virtual presentation from Paul Davis, an expert in Online Safety. 

Davis, a father of two teenagers, is a self-described ‘techie’. He has worked in IT for more than 25 years. Since 2011, he has added the role of social networking safety educator, regularly addressing students, teachers, educators and parents in school settings across Canada and the United States, as well as speaking to corporate clients about topics including: online safety, cyberbullying, online security, and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc.). 

Since the digital world is not going away, we wanted to learn how to best protect our children now since many kids already have access to smartphones. Paul's presentation will talk about the appropriate age for a child to have a smartphone, Smartphone contracts — understanding terms and conditions, what is legal and illegal, Establishing rules for smartphone usage (he does not recommend smartphones until grade 7), Regulating and monitoring screen time and mobile device usage and his personal experience with internet and social media safety, as a father of two teenagers, along with research on screen time and its effect on sleep patterns. There will also be a Q&A! 

REGISTER TODAY: March 15 at 7:30 pm as this is not a presentation you will want to miss. Register here!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Friday, March 10

Reminder!! Set your clocks forward one hour this week due to the start of Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, March 12 at 2am.  More sunshine and light are coming our way!

THANK YOU!! To all the families that were able to make it in for the celebration of learning. We are both so proud of how the students toured you around and demonstrated their learning. They did such a great job!

In English we are working on our guided reading and sensory writing. 

In math we dove into the distributive property strategy. You will find some extra practice on google classroom.

In art we are working on our Jason Carter seasons series, which will eventually tie into our work with sensory writing. 

In Spanish students have wrapped up their practice of their interviews and will start recording them next week. 

Students and the music teacher! have been working very hard to get ready for the concerts coming up. Students will be running through some dress rehearsals next week. 

In science we are close to wrapping up our work on light and shadows. 

In social the students were very excited to create their mold and cast fossils, they have been busy digging up information and learning about our special guest speak, a real life palaeontologist!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

TIMSS - Math and Science Assessment Info


Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2023 


Dear Grade 4/Room 7 (Sra. Sutherland) Families,

Your child’s class has been randomly selected to participate in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), an important educational assessment investigating student achievement in mathematics and science. Schools in more than 60 countries, including almost 800 schools in Canada, are participating in this project.

The superintendent and principal of your child’s school are fully aware of the project and have expressed their willingness to have the students participate. Your child’s participation in this project will not affect their grades or progress in school, and the results will not be reported for individual students or schools. Students will respond to questions in mathematics and science and will fill out a short questionnaire. The assessment will take place at school during regular school hours on April 18, 2023.

As a parent/guardian of a participating child, you will also be asked to complete an online questionnaire; the login information to access the questionnaire will be provided to you in April/May. The questionnaire covers home and school factors related to your child’s learning environment and experiences. It should take only about 30 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential. This questionnaire, along with your child’s questionnaire responses, will be used to gain a fuller understanding of how children learn at home and at school.

Participating in TIMSS ensures that we, including parents/guardians and citizens more broadly, stay informed about how Canadian students are performing in comparison with their peers around the world. Moreover, through the latest provincial, pan-Canadian, and international results of this and other assessments, we can improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in our province.

Please find enclosed a brochure, which provides an overview of the assessment.

More information on this project is available at: You may also refer to the IEA website at (available in English only).

We appreciate your child’s participation and thank you for your support as we work to enhance the learning experience of our young students across Canada!


Dalhousie School

Celebration of Learning Reminder


Celebration of Learning Reminder


Hola Dalhousie Families!

A reminder that today and Friday is our Celebration of Learning.  There is a full day of school tomorrow and no school for all students on Friday.

Our Lost & Found is overflowing and has been moved to the front.  Please check it on your way in or out to see if you recognized anything.  Dropping off a donation for our Food Drive at the same time would be very appreciated!

The Scholastic book fair will be in the Learning Commons.  If you can’t make, you can access it online

Due to emergent circumstances, the office will not be open in the evening as previously indicated.  If you have any questions, please contact the office at or 403.777.6030 during business hours. 

We hope to see everyone come out celebrate their child’s learning!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tuesday, March 7

A quick recap of the week so far!

In science students have been putting their shadow puppets to the test with a light and shadow experiment. 

In math students continue to practice their multiplication with a variety of strategies and old fashioned repetition. 

In Spanish students are working on preparing for an interview about their house and chores. 

In art students are finishing their guided Jason Carter water color or starting on their spring version.

In gym we are working on our curling skills. 

In English we had guided reading today. Thanks to the two parent volunteers for joining us! There are still some reading spots available. Tuesdays from 11-12. 

If you speak Spanish there are spots available to support our students with reading in Spanish. Wednesdays from 9:15-10

Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday, March 3

 Hola Grade 4 families!

PLEASE sign up so that you can join us for our student lead celebration of learning. (March 9 5-8, March 10 9-1) Your students have been doing some practice work to prep for showing you what they have been up to!

In math we keep working on our multiplication skills. See google classroom for extra practice work. 

Things have been very exciting in social studies as students were able to create their own cast and mold fossils. They were very excited to see how it turned out this morning and they will be able to share it with you next week. They are loving diving deeper into this topic!

In Spanish we are about to wrap up our work with the house and chores, with a final interview starting on Monday. We continue to work in our guided reading groups. 

In art most people are almost done their Jason Carter guided drawing and some students have started their four piece Jason Carter inspired work on the seasons today.

In English we are working on our sensory writing and reading lots in our guided reading groups!

School Info/Book Fair

Please see the separate email sent regarding our Celebration of Learning on March 9 & 10 and how to book for it.   A reminder that Thursday, March 9 is a full day of school and that there is no school for all students on March 10.


We are continuing our Food Drive for Kindness Month.  All donations are gratefully accepted and can be dropped off at the donation boxes at either the front or the back door.


Volunteer opportunities are available for each class.  You must have a valid CBE volunteer clearance at the time you sign up and we ask that you sign up for two opportunities per class to allow for as many people as possible to participate.  If you would like to volunteer more, please check with the teacher.    More details can be found in the separate email that was sent out.


Our Spring Concert will be held on March 22 & 23 at 6:30pm.  You can see which classes perform when as well as the costume preparation in when in the separate emails that were sent out.   You can also check the class blogs for information. Srta. Primak is also looking for helping with prop creation.  You can sign up here if you can help out.  If you have any questions regarding the concert, please email Srta. Primak.

Dear families,

It’s here! Our school’s Scholastic Book Fair has begun! Students will be scheduled time to shop during school hours next week. Parents and families are also welcome to shop in person after their scheduled Student Led Conferences on Thursday March 9th and Friday March 10th 

Even if you can't join us in the school, you can experience the joy of our Book Fair online by visiting our Virtual Book Fair Extension. Virtual shopping can be done March 3rd-13th inclusive!

Remember, all purchases benefit our school and earn rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our school’s classrooms and lilbrary.

Thank you for supporting our Scholastic Book Fair!

Happy Reading!

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...