Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday, March 24

A huge thanks to parents and families to get their kiddos here for the concerts this week. We hope that you enjoyed the spectacular show! And a great job done to the students who sung, danced and played their little hearts out!

In English, we will continue with our sensory writing and guided reading after the break. 

In math we will start division. We have completed multiplication. Students should continue to work on their multiplication fact as this will support them with math moving forward and our work with division. 

In science we are learning about force, energy and friction. These are the intro concepts to our simple machines unit. 

In social we are wrapping up our work with fossils. 

In art we worked on a Coast Salish guided drawing of a sea otter. 

In Spanish we have started our unit on food and have been playing vocabulary games to refresh ourselves on the vocabulary. 

In gym we will have one more week of curling after the break as the concert rehearsals has us outside a few extra times this week.

We hope that everyone has a great break!! We will see you on the return to school, Monday, April 3rd!

Friday, March 24

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...