Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday, June 9th

Hopefully you are able to make it out to the Family Fiesta last night!! Huge shout out to the parent volunteers that helped get that organized!!

Back in the classroom we have beans waiting to germinate! Hopefully there will be some action by Monday. This is the start of our plant unit in Science. 

In social we are moving through the early settlement period in Alberta and we have specifically looked at Metis this week. 

In math we have been working on equivalent fractions. There have been some games added to google classroom for continued practice. 

In English we have been creating characters and will be moving on to setting next week to get set up for  story writing.

In Spanish we have been looking at the Spanish artist, Joan Miro. Students have been critiquing his art and learning about who he was. 

In gym we will be doing inline skating on June 13, 20, 23. 

Note to parents, we will be starting our human sexuality - puberty lessons on Monday, June 12th. 

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...