On Monday, September 19, Dalhousie School will observe a moment of silence in to mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. All CBE School and workplaces will remain open as scheduled.
Please see the separate email that was sent regarding Parent Teacher Interviews, which will be held on Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23. The conference booking application is currently experience technical issues and you may not be able to book at the initially indicated time. We thank you for your patience.
Due to Parent Teacher Interviews, there is no school for all students on Friday, September 23. It is a full day of school for all students, including Tuesday/Thursday Kindergarten students on Thursday, September 22.
Dalhousie students and families will be participating in the annual Terry Fox run. The run will be held at the school on September 26 at 1:45 PM. Donations can be made online to the Terry Fox foundation under Dalhousie School. Students are also encouraged to bring a Toonie for Terry on the day of the run.
School photos will take place on September 27 for the Tuesday/Thursday Kindergarten group, Grades 1, 3 and 5. On September 28, the Monday/Wednesday Kindergarten group as well as Grades 2 and 4 will have their pictures taken. Please note that it will be the individual as well as the class photos. A retake date will be confirmed.
Dalhousie Parent Society News
Our Apple Fundraiser is underway! Place your orders with the forms sent home by September 28. Cheques or e-transfers are accepted!
Our Fall Harvest Fundraiser allows you to get some fresh produce. Donations can also be made to the Foodbank! What a great opportunity to double up on helping out!
The next Healthy Hunger fun lunches are Fat Burger and Mucho Burrito. Get your orders in by Friday, September 23 at midnight on healthyhunger.ca All restaurants are up until the end of December so feel free to order for any of the weeks.