Today students completed the Our School Survey with questions about how they feel at school, their access to books and technology at school and a couple specific written questions about their learning and Spanish.
In math we started looking at the 24 hour clock. Feel free to test your students at home!
In English, we continued our conversation around Truth and Reconciliation, including intergenerational trauma and the lasting impacts of residential schools. Students finished by creating a small art project. They had to trace their hands and write a promise about what they could do to help create a positive change for indigenous people and truth telling.
In gym, we are working toward learning soccer skills and drills.
Our home reading club started today. Students who are reading below grade level or at the request of their parents during interviews received their reading package today. The expectation is that students will read for a minimum of 15 mins per day. The duotang should be brought in every two weeks for a teacher check-in.