Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday, Dec. 16

Friday's go by quickly!! Here is a recap.

This morning some students worked on a science project on Minecraft, while others caught up on missing work and projects.  Students then had gym class and also had some time to complete their Fatty Legs final summary project. Students are reminded to bring in any recycled materials that they can use to create their diorama.  For the afternoon, students got started on the plan, design and background painting of their shoe boxes for their diorama. They closed out the day with reading buddies with a grade one class. They really love the chance to read with the younger kids!!

Please see the ski and snowboarding email that was sent out today regarding all the why's of the trip being cancelled. We are very disappointed, but we will try to make the most of next week and also have a special day on Thursday with p.j's and some special plans!


Please check your MyCBE account to see if you have any outstanding fees. We would appreciate that these fees be taken care of as soon as possible as it otherwise the school has to pay and it affects the programming we can offer.   They can be paid online through your MyCBE account.  If you need help with the payment process or if you feel that you received this message in error, please contact the office.  It you need to make payment arrangements, please contact the school directly as soon as possible.


If your child has overdue library books, please return them to school by December as soon as possible.


A reminder that the last day of classes before winter break is Thursday, December 22, 2022.  Classes will resume on Monday, January 9, 2023. If your child will be absent in the new year, please let the office know ahead of time.


Thursday, December 22 will be Pajama Day at Dalhousie.  Wear your coziest PJs!  Carolling will take place in classrooms.


The next Dalhousie School Council/Parent Society meeting will be held on January 11, 2023 at 6pm through Microsoft Teams.  All are welcome to attend.


Coming back from the break, January 13, 2023 will be Crazy Sock Day.  Wear your comfiest, craziest socks to show them off!


Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...