Friday, May 5, 2023

Friday May 5th

 ¡¡Feliz cinco de mayo!!

The weeks seem to be cruising by...

Here is what we have been up to:

In math, we have wrapped up our work on long division. This was a challenge for most students, especially to start with. Knowing the basic multiplication tables will support students moving forward, in multiple areas. It's a great idea to keep practicing these.. and we won't stop reminding you about this practice!! Overall students were able to get the hang of the steps after plenty of practice. There will certainly be more long division in there math futures! As always, we encourage students to practice math regularly with sheets provided on google classroom, online or with math games. We have moved on to perimeter and area this week. It will be a short unit, working only with the perimeter and area of squares and rectangles. If you have any way for your student to practice real life measurements around the house, be sure to include them in the tasks!

In English, when we are not working on guided reading, we are trying to squeeze out some delightful, detailed and descriptive sensory paragraphs, one for each season, out of the students. We want them to write about their experience of each season without basic details of I went, I saw I touched... Their hard work is starting to pay off! This writing will tie in with the Jason Carter style art work they have been doing in art, about the seasons. 

In science, we are working though our simple machines unit. Students have been introduced to types of levers, rollers, pulleys, wheels and axles.

In social, we continue to look at the Indigenous People of Alberta. 

We will have more info coming soon about our field trip to Heritage Park on June 1st. Stay tuned!!

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...