Heritage Park – Extra Volunteer Opportunity |
Dear Parent/Guardian: As you know, we are organizing an off-site activity to Heritage Park, which is located at 1900 Heritage Dr. SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2X3. The off-site activity will occur on Thursday, June 1, 9:30-3:00. Since we sent out the information for this trip, we have received an overwhelming response from parents wanting to volunteer on this day with our classes. Although the 8 volunteer spots which were included with our admission have now been filled, we wanted to create opportunity for more parents to volunteer with us on the day of the trip. In order to accommodate this surplus of parent volunteers, a few conditions must be met by anyone signing up as an extra helper:
If you wish to sign up as one of our extra volunteers for this off-site activity please email Srta. Sutherland directly at jrsutherland@cbe.ab.ca. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on June 1st. Srta. Sutherland Srta. Marasescu |