Thursday, May 11, 2023

Grade 4 Health Unit Important

Dear Grade 4 & 5 Dalhousie Families,

The Grades 4 & 5 students will begin instruction in Health with topics related to Human Sexuality starting on or after June 12th.  If you have not received a letter via email please find it in the blog below. Should you choose to exempt your child, please follow the instruction in the letter. Please note that you only need to advise the teacher if you don’t want your student to participate.  

Should you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. 

Dear Dalhousie Grade 4 Families,

Course Components Notice and Exemption Information Physical Education and Wellness – Grade 4

This letter is to inform you that your grade 4 child is in a class "where courses of study, educational programs or instructional materials, or instruction or exercises…include subject matter that deals primarily and explicitly with… human sexuality” (Education Act, Section 58.1).

The Grade 4 Alberta Education Physical Education and Wellness curriculum aims to help students make well informed, healthy choices and build skills that will support the wellbeing of self, others and the community. Sexuality education is a mandatory part of this curriculum and is contained in the following grade 4 Physical Education and Wellness learning outcome:

Students explain how development and puberty are connected.

To learn more about this outcome, go to:

It is expected that your child’s class will start learning about this topic on or after June 12, 2023.

As a parent or guardian, you may choose for your child not to participate in sexuality education, either fully or partially, without your child being penalized (Education Act, Section 58.1(2)). If you choose to exempt your child, you may have your child:

a | leave the classroom or place where the instruction is taking place or where the instructional material is being used for the duration of that part of the instruction; or

b | remain in the classroom or place where the instruction is taking place without taking part in the instruction or use of the instructional material

If you wish to exempt your child from sexuality education in its entirety, please email to request an exemption letter in writing by June 5 2023. 

If you wish to exempt your child only from part of sexuality education (e.g. a specific topic) or would like more information, contact your child’s teacher at the 

403.777.6030 or by sending them an email.

If your child's teacher does not receive this notice before June 5, 2023, your child will be included in the instruction.

If you wish your child receive this education, you do not have to do anything. They will be included in the class. 


Dalhousie Grade 4 Team

Srta. Marasescu

Srta. Sutherland


Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...