Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday, May 26th

Reminders: There is no school on Monday, May 29th for a PD day. Don't forget to vote!

Our grade 4's start there inline skating class on Tuesday, 30th, in the afternoon. They are allowed to bring their own gear if they would like. All the gear is provided. Their personal gear must be approved by the instructor. This will run for the following four Tuesday's and a Friday class on the fourth week. 

We will be heading to Heritage Park four our grade 4 field trip on Thursday, June 1st.

This week:

We are working with fractions in math. Students are able to identify them, write them in numbers and in words from an image and we are currently looking at labeling fractions on a number line. Lots of fractions practice in google classroom. 

In English, we have moved on to elements of plot, which will lead into story writing. Student are looking forward to writing their own stories!

In science we have wrapped up simple machines and will be starting gears next week.

In Spanish we have started our last unit, which is artistas hispanas. Looking at famous Spanish artists. Our first one is Joan Miró. This work will tie into art class as well. Today students started to create a digital, Miró inspired snowman. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Friday, May 19

 After a smokey week, we have made it to the weekend.

Students started their day finding fractions around the room and library. They are able to write a fraction and say it in words, in Spanish. We will continue to work on fractions next week. There is some practice work available in google classroom. We were working hard today to finish incomplete assignments in Spanish, English, math and art. Students should be done typing up their sensory paragraphs that go along with their season art. We also enjoyed going outside for gym today. 

Reminder that students first day of Alien Inline is May 30th.

There is no school on Monday, May 22

Our field trip to Heritage Park in on June 1st.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday, May 12th


Please see the previous post about our upcoming health unit and info around the trip to Heritage park.

In math we are getting close to the end of our unit on perimeter and area. We will be moving on to fractions next, hopefully by the end of next week. As always, students are encouraged to keep practicing their multiplication tables. 

In English, students should be working on the good copy of their seasons sensory writing. They are taking feedback they received on their rough copies and need to make improvements to their typed good copy. This will be matched up with their season art. 

In science we are working away through simple machines, especially pulleys. This week students completed a reading comprehension about pulleys. 

In social they are continuing to learn about the Indigenous Peoples' of Alberta. 

In gym we have been spending time outside. We will use the gym if it is raining or too hot...! This week students had choice about what activity they wanted to do. This weeks choices were basketball, frisbee and soccer. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Grade 4 Health Unit Important

Dear Grade 4 & 5 Dalhousie Families,

The Grades 4 & 5 students will begin instruction in Health with topics related to Human Sexuality starting on or after June 12th.  If you have not received a letter via email please find it in the blog below. Should you choose to exempt your child, please follow the instruction in the letter. Please note that you only need to advise the teacher if you don’t want your student to participate.  

Should you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. 

Dear Dalhousie Grade 4 Families,

Course Components Notice and Exemption Information Physical Education and Wellness – Grade 4

This letter is to inform you that your grade 4 child is in a class "where courses of study, educational programs or instructional materials, or instruction or exercises…include subject matter that deals primarily and explicitly with… human sexuality” (Education Act, Section 58.1).

The Grade 4 Alberta Education Physical Education and Wellness curriculum aims to help students make well informed, healthy choices and build skills that will support the wellbeing of self, others and the community. Sexuality education is a mandatory part of this curriculum and is contained in the following grade 4 Physical Education and Wellness learning outcome:

Students explain how development and puberty are connected.

To learn more about this outcome, go to:

It is expected that your child’s class will start learning about this topic on or after June 12, 2023.

As a parent or guardian, you may choose for your child not to participate in sexuality education, either fully or partially, without your child being penalized (Education Act, Section 58.1(2)). If you choose to exempt your child, you may have your child:

a | leave the classroom or place where the instruction is taking place or where the instructional material is being used for the duration of that part of the instruction; or

b | remain in the classroom or place where the instruction is taking place without taking part in the instruction or use of the instructional material

If you wish to exempt your child from sexuality education in its entirety, please email to request an exemption letter in writing by June 5 2023. 

If you wish to exempt your child only from part of sexuality education (e.g. a specific topic) or would like more information, contact your child’s teacher at the 

403.777.6030 or by sending them an email.

If your child's teacher does not receive this notice before June 5, 2023, your child will be included in the instruction.

If you wish your child receive this education, you do not have to do anything. They will be included in the class. 


Dalhousie Grade 4 Team

Srta. Marasescu

Srta. Sutherland


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Heritage Park – Extra Volunteer Opportunity


Heritage Park – Extra Volunteer Opportunity

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As you know, we are organizing an off-site activity to Heritage Park, which is located at 1900 Heritage Dr. SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2X3. The off-site activity will occur on Thursday, June 1, 9:30-3:00.  

Since we sent out the information for this trip, we have received an overwhelming response from parents wanting to volunteer on this day with our classes. Although the 8 volunteer spots which were included with our admission have now been filled, we wanted to create opportunity for more parents to volunteer with us on the day of the trip. In order to accommodate this surplus of parent volunteers, a few conditions must be met by anyone signing up as an extra helper:

  •        Anyone signing up must have a valid and up-to-date volunteer clearance, which has been sent to the school by May 24th, 2023. Adults without this volunteer clearance will not be able to participate in the student activities on the day of the trip. 
  •        Extra volunteers (outside of the 8 spots posted on Sign-up Genius) must cover their own admission to the park (this will not be covered or reimbursed by the school); your child’s admission is covered as part of the trip fees.
  •        Extra volunteers must ensure their own transportation to and from Heritage Park on the day of the trip; you must also make your own parking arrangements while at the location.
  •        All volunteers will be required to fill out a Consent and Acknowledgement of Risk form and return it to the Grade 4 team by May 29th, 2023

If you wish to sign up as one of our extra volunteers for this off-site activity please email Srta. Sutherland directly at

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on June 1st. 

Srta. Sutherland

Srta. Marasescu

Monday, May 8, 2023

Friday, May 5, 2023

Friday May 5th

 ¡¡Feliz cinco de mayo!!

The weeks seem to be cruising by...

Here is what we have been up to:

In math, we have wrapped up our work on long division. This was a challenge for most students, especially to start with. Knowing the basic multiplication tables will support students moving forward, in multiple areas. It's a great idea to keep practicing these.. and we won't stop reminding you about this practice!! Overall students were able to get the hang of the steps after plenty of practice. There will certainly be more long division in there math futures! As always, we encourage students to practice math regularly with sheets provided on google classroom, online or with math games. We have moved on to perimeter and area this week. It will be a short unit, working only with the perimeter and area of squares and rectangles. If you have any way for your student to practice real life measurements around the house, be sure to include them in the tasks!

In English, when we are not working on guided reading, we are trying to squeeze out some delightful, detailed and descriptive sensory paragraphs, one for each season, out of the students. We want them to write about their experience of each season without basic details of I went, I saw I touched... Their hard work is starting to pay off! This writing will tie in with the Jason Carter style art work they have been doing in art, about the seasons. 

In science, we are working though our simple machines unit. Students have been introduced to types of levers, rollers, pulleys, wheels and axles.

In social, we continue to look at the Indigenous People of Alberta. 

We will have more info coming soon about our field trip to Heritage Park on June 1st. Stay tuned!!

Friday, June 16th

A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with em...